Wesley Word-Dec. 29, 2021
To go along with service on: Sunday, January 2, 2022
Experiencing Grace
- Contemporary Song: Here Comes Heaven
Exploring Truth
Epiphany: A Season of Signs – The Sign of the Star
Matthew 2:1-12
This week we leave behind the season of Advent and our Advent series: Signs of the Season. We now enter the season of Epiphany and a series called a Season of Signs. These series are related to one another because the seasons of Advent and Epiphany are related to one another. Advent means “coming” and is a season in which we have anticipated and prepared for the coming and coming again of Jesus Christ. The word Epiphany means “revelation or realization”. So, the season of Epiphany is a time in which Jesus Christ is revealed to us and we come to realize who he really is.
The season of Epiphany begins with Epiphany Sunday and our text for this Sunday is the story of the Three Wise Men. The Wise Men were astrologers for modern-day Iraq. They would have been considered by Jews as foreigners and pagans and yet God sent a star to lead them to His Son. He sent a star because, as astrologers, that is what would have gotten their attention.
Seeing the star, the Wise Men begin a journey to find Jesus. They come first to Jerusalem, where they meet a falsely helpful King Herod. This should remind us that on our spiritual journey we will often make wrong turns and find ourselves with sometimes dishonest and unhelpful people.
Finally, the Wise Men arrive at Bethlehem. When they arrived, they worshiped Jesus and offered their gifts, which are themselves signs telling us who Jesus is. The gold tells us that Jesus is King. The frankincense, an incense burned in worship, tells us that Jesus is God, and the Myrrh, a balm used in burial, predicts Jesus’ coming sacrifice for our sins.
The story of the Wise Men reminds me that God is always trying to get people’s attention. God wants everyone to come to His Son and He is reaching out to everyone if only we will look.
Questions for Reflection/Discussion:
- What is your “star?” What did God use to get your attention and call you to His Son?
New Testament in a Year: https://wesleyonline.org/biblereading/
- January 1 Matthew 1:1-2:12
- January 2 Matthew 2:13-3:6
- January 3 Matthew 3:7-4:11
- January 4 Matthew 4:12-25
- January 5 Matthew 5:1-26
Expressing Love: Family/Mission Activity
Star Gazing- Have you ever stargazed with your family in winter? This is a great opportunity! Bundle up and check the weather for a clear evening. Talk about the Wise Men and their journey to find baby Jesus by following the star God told them about. God may not send us stars to follow, but he always has a plan for our journey with him; we just have to look for it!
- Christmas Season Sunday Service Schedule
- January 2 – One Service at 10:00am. No Sunday School.
- January 9 – Regular Sunday Schedule
- WOW (Worship on Wednesdays) Resumes January 5th
- New Testament in a Year- Join us as we read through the entire New Testament in a year, beginning Jan. 1. Bookmarks are available in the back of the Sanctuary to keep you on track each day (daily readings are also listed above and on our website!