About Our Music Ministry
Wesley has a deep commitment to providing high-quality traditional and contemporary music. Previous services can be seen on our YouTube Channel: https://tinyurl.com/3zvc5a3v.
Music Ministries
This choir, directed by Dan Laaveg and accompanied by Sally Potter, has a tradition of providing high-quality anthems and supporting congregational singing. It is open to high school students and up. The choir rehearses Wednesday nights from 7:00-8:45pm, and they sing most Sundays from September to May, and other special events including at Lessons and Carols. We are welcoming new members! No audition is necessary, but some prior music experience is preferred. For more information, email Dan at danlaaveg@wesleyonline.org, or talk to him after an upcoming service.
The Celebration Band provides high-quality worship music. They share God’s joy through contemporary Christian music each week. Please talk to Dan Laaveg after a service if you are interested in participating in the band.
Come ring with us! The Handbell Choir, directed by Dan Laaveg, provides anthems approximately once per month, and plays twice a year at local nursing homes. They rehearse on Wednesdays from 11:15am-12:15pm. No prior handbell experience is necessary, though previous music experience is. Please email Dan at danlaaveg@wesleyonline.org if you are interested in joining.
This is a community choir open to Muscatine area students in 7th through 12th grade. The choir sings a varied repertoire. They rehearse on Sunday afternoons from 3:30-4:45 pm from late August to May. They are preparing for a spring concert on May 11, 2025 at 4pm. Additional singing opportunities are expected to be added. Dr. Dan Laaveg leads this group. Contact Dan with any interest or questions you may have.
This is a community choir open to Muscatine area students in 3rd through 8th grade. Wesley Associate Music Director & Organist Sally Potter leads this group. The choir rehearses on Mondays from 4:00-4:45pm from September to May. They are preparing for a spring concert on May 11, 2025 at 4pm. Additional singing opportunities are expected to be added. Please contact Sally or Dan if you want to join this choir.
This is a community choir open to students in the Muscatine area in kindergarten through 2nd grade. They rehearse Mondays from 4:00-4:45 p.m. from September to May. Littlest Angels’ Choir focuses on singing, musical fun, and games. They are preparing for a spring concert on May 11, 2025 at 4pm.
Wesley puts on an annual Festival of Lessons & Carols each December. The 2024 Lessons & Carols can be viewed here:
There were 8 Scripture readings that foretold and proclaimed Jesus’ birth along with anthems by the Muscatine Littlest Angels’ Choir, Children’s Choir, Youth Choir, Wesley’s Chancel Choir, and an orchestra.
Wesley will be having Summer Music Camp from July 14-18, 2025. It is for students who have just completed K-6th grade. We had 42 students attend in 2024. Registration is open and available at https://tinyurl.com/y9tfdjx7. You may also fill out a hard copy registration form that is just outside the main office. Those who have just completed 3rd-6th grade will learn and perform the musical ‘The Troubbable of Zerubbabel,’ and K-2nd graders learn a program of songs and sing the first song in the musical.
Recent musicals:
2022-Rescue in the Night (Daniel in the lion’s den)
2023-Oh, Jonah!
2024-A Technicolor Promise (Noah and the flood)
Students who have just completed K-2nd grades come from 9:00 to 11:30am each morning, and students who have just completed 3rd-6th grades attend from 9:00am till 2:30pm each day (lunch provided). Each day is filled with musical exploration: musical games, singing, handbells… and lots more!
Hymn Festival 2024 Video
To watch the June 6, 2024, Hymn Festival 'To Everything There is a Season,' which Dr. David Cherwien led, go to https://tinyurl.com/4uumuj3r.

Our Organ
Our incredible Opus 153 Fisk organ, which is named Gracie Pearl, was completed in 2019. It has 43 ranks and 2,413 pipes. See more details at Fisk’s website. Our previous Casavant organ was destroyed by a tornado in 2017.