Wesley Word-Feb. 2, 2022

Jessica Hall   -  

To go along with service on: Sunday, February 6, 2022 

Experiencing Grace

Exploring Truth
Epiphany: A Season of Signs – The Sign of the Fishermen
Luke 5:1-11

This week we continue our Epiphany series, Epiphany: A Season of Signs, with the Sign of the Fishermen.

The first four disciples Jesus called to follow him were two pairs of brothers: Simon (Peter) and Andrew and James and John, who were fishermen by trade. These fishermen would be called to leave behind fishing for fish and fish for people, catching them for God’s Kingdom.

The story begins with Jesus borrowing Peter’s boat to preach from and then telling Peter to let down his nets for a catch. Peter, who probably did not think he needed fishing advice from a carpenter turned rabbi, had been fishing all night with no success. He was tired and ready to give up and go home. Nevertheless, Peter submits and tries again. When he does, he catches so many fish the nets almost break.

By the time they get back to shore, Peter knows Jesus is not just another rabbi. He is now afraid of Jesus and what Jesus might ask him to do. He also knows he is not worthy of the call.

Jesus knows all of this and says, ”Do not be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” All four fishermen leave everything, home, family, livelihood, all that was safe, certain, and familiar, and follow Jesus.

The call for each of us today is the same as it was for those fishermen so long ago. We might be afraid and tired of trying. We may feel unworthy or reluctant to give up those things and relationships that hold us back. Jesus knows all this, and he still calls us to follow him. Jesus calls us to fish for people. All of us, not just pastors, teachers, and leaders, but all of us, are called to share the Gospel and invite others to church. 

Questions for Reflection/Discussion:

  1. Who will I fish for (share the Gospel with, invite to church) this week?

New Testament in a Year: https://wesleyonline.org/biblereading/ 

  • February 2 Matthew 22:1-33
  • February 3 Matthew 22:34-23:12
  • February 4 Matthew 23:13-39
  • February 5 Matthew 24:1-28
  • February 6 Matthew 24:29-51
  • February 7 Matthew 25:1-30
  • February 8 Matthew 25:31-26:13
  • February 9 Matthew 26:14-46

Expressing Love: Family/Mission Activity

A Domino Effect- Have your family set up a dominoes course around the room. Watch how one domino knocked over starts a whole line-up falling down. One domino falling down can have a huge impact, just like when we share the Gospel. Sharing Jesus with just one person can lead to hundreds of others knowing him too!


  • WOW (Worship on Wednesdays) TONIGHT 5:30pm
    • Meal, Worship, Small Groups
  • A meeting at Wesley sponsored by ‘United.’, Sunday, February 6, 2 pm
    • Do you have questions about the talk of the United Methodist Church dividing? Please join us so that we can plan a year of study, prayer and discussion that includes you and your understanding of what God wants Wesley United Methodist Church to be in 2023 and beyond.