Wesley Word-Feb. 23, 2022
To go along with service on: Sunday, February 27, 2022
Experiencing Grace
- Contemporary Song: Glorious One
- Traditional Hymn: #173 Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies
Exploring Truth
Epiphany: A Season of Signs – The Sign of Transfiguration
Luke 9:28-36
We end our Epiphany series, A Season of Signs, with the Sign of Transfiguration. Transfiguration Sunday is the last Sunday in the season of Epiphany before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. It is the ultimate Sunday in the season of Epiphany because it is the ultimate epiphany, the ultimate revelation of who Jesus really is.
In the story, Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up a mountain and they see his true glory revealed. You will notice the opening words of this story in Luke’s Gospel say, “About eight days later.” Eight days after what? If we look back in the chapter, we see just before this is Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Messiah. So we see this event, this revealing, takes place after the disciples had put their faith in Jesus and not before. As the old saying goes, seeing is not believing; believing is seeing. We also see Moses and Elijah appear, symbolizing the law and the prophets in symbolizing Jesus’ fulfillment of the Old Testament promises. We hear the voice of the Father, as he did at Jesus’ Baptism, declaring him to be his beloved Son.
Peter’s first reaction to this vision is to set up camp and stay awhile. So often when we have profound spiritual experiences we want the moment to last; we do not want to leave, go home, go back to our normal lives, but we must. Finally, we see Jesus telling the disciples not to tell anyone about what they had seen. We may wonder about this because, after all, are we not supposed to bear witness to our faith, to share the Gospel? However, at this point, the Gospel was not yet complete and would not be complete until after Jesus had been crucified and risen from the dead. Oftentimes, when we have profound spiritual experiences, our first inclination is to go and share them. Instead, we should take time to reflect on what these experiences might mean in the larger context of our Christian Life.
My hope is that throughout this Epiphany series you have seen Jesus, seen his glory. I hope this Glory transforms each and every one of us.
Questions for Reflection/Discussion:
- Where have I seen the glory of Christ?
New Testament in a Year: https://wesleyonline.org/biblereading/
- February 23 Mark 6:30-56
- February 24 Mark 7:1-23
- February 25 Mark 7:24-8:10
- February 26 Mark 8:11-38
- February 27 Mark 9:1-29
- February 28 Mark 9:30-10:12
- March 1 Mark 10:13-3 1
- March 2 Mark 10:32-52
Expressing Love: Family/Mission Activity
What do you see?: Using playdough or modeling clay, explore the concept of seeing what something really is. You may choose ro make this activity even more interactive by making your own playdough; a recipe can be found here! Talk about how the playdough or clay isn’t particularly interesting when it isn’t formed. However, if it is made into a figure, we can see how special it is. Have everyone create a figure with their playdough or clay. Encourage them to create a shape that shares something they think is important for others to know about them. It may be an interest, a talent, or a personality trait. When everyone has completed their creations, have them share about their inspiration.
Before the transfiguration, the disciples hadn’t truly SEEN who Jesus was. On the mountain, Jesus’ true glory was revealed to them. The playdough doesn’t seem like much until it is formed. Jesus seemed pretty “normal” to the disciples until he was transformed before their eyes and his true glory was revealed.
- WOW (Worship on Wednesdays) TONIGHT @ 5:30 pm
- Meal, Worship, Small Groups
- Early Bird Wow, Feb. 23, 3:30 pm (TODAY!)
- Caleen Pagel will teach Tai Chi moves in the Family Live Center. Stick around afterwards for the WOW pasta meal catered by Sal Vitale’s!
- Wesley Scholarship applications are now available on the table in front of the office. Completed applications are due April 1.
- Ash Wednesday Service: March 2nd, 7pm at Wesley. Joint with First Presbyterian. No WOW.