Wesley Word-March 2, 2022

Jessica Hall   -  

To go along with service on: Sunday, March 6, 2022 

Experiencing Grace

Exploring Truth
Famous Last Words: Don’t Let Your Hearts Be Troubled
John 14:1-14

We are beginning the season of Lent and a new sermon series called: Famous Last Words: Jesus’ Farewell Discourse in the Gospel of John. In this series, we will walk through John chapters 13-17, which is known as the “farewell discourse.” These are Jesus’ last words to his disciples before the crucifixion.

We will come back to chapter 13 later, so today we begin with John 14:1-14. This is a text that I often use at funerals. Jesus tells the disciples not to be afraid because he is going to prepare a place for them and will come back to take them with him. If there is a place, there has to be a way to that place. Jesus says he is the way, and the truth, and the life, and that no one comes to the Father except through him.

We often say someone is in a better place. How do we know there is a place? How do we know it is better? And, how do we know this person is there or that we will be there? 

The only way we can know any of this is from the Bible. The Bible tells us there is not just one place, but two places, and one of them is certainly better than the other. Jesus says the only way to the better place is through faith in him.

We are not afraid because we have a place and a way to that place. But we are also not afraid because we have power and a promise. Jesus says we will have the power to do even greater things than he did. We have the promise that whatever we ask in Jesus’ name, he will do for us. (Note: There are some things we cannot ask in Jesus’ name. For example, we cannot ask that harm come to others in Jesus’ name.”)

Questions for Reflection/Discussion:

  1. What is troubling my heart these days? Where can I find peace?
  2. What are some things that we cannot ask for in Jesus’ name?

New Testament in a Year: https://wesleyonline.org/biblereading/ 

  • March 2 Mark 10:32-52
  • March 3 Mark 11:1-26
  • March 4 Mark 11:27-12:17
  • March 5 Mark 12:18-37
  • March 6 Mark 12:38-13:13
  • March 7 Mark 13:14-37
  • March 8 Mark 14:1-21
  • March 9 Mark 14:22-52

Expressing Love: Family/Mission Activity

Trusting in God’s Hands-You will need 2 paper plates and 1 marker for each member of your family. Ask family members to place the paper plate on top of their head. Ask them to draw the following, with their marker, while the paper plate is on top of their head. They cannot take the paper plate down to look at the picture until all the picture steps have been given.

  1. Draw a house. 
  2. Draw a sun in the sky. 
  3. If you haven’t already, put a chimney and windows on the house. 
  4. Draw a line where the ground should be. 
  5. Add flowers coming up from the ground. 
  6. Place a happy face on the sun. 
  7. Draw a tree to the side of the house. 
  8. Draw a person under the tree.

When you’re done giving the instructions, have everyone take their plate down and look at their finished product. Was it easy to draw? Was it difficult to know where to put things? What was the hardest part?

Do the activity again, but this time in pairs. This time one family member will put the plate on their head while sitting down and another will stand over them as a “helper”. As you give directions of what to draw, the “helper” can guide the hand of the artist by putting the marker in the right spot, or even physically helping their artist’s hand draw. At this point, you may choose to have the “helper” and “artist” to switch roles so they can each have the experience.

When done, compare the 2 plates (one with guidance and one without). Which was easier? Why? As the artist, was it hard to give some control over to the helper?

The “helper” is a lot like God. God has a plan for our lives, if we will trust in him and in his word, the Bible. He will guide us, just as the helper did on our plates. When we trust in him and allow him to help us, we don’t ever have to worry about the finished product. He will be with us every step of the way, showing us what to do.


  • Ash Wednesday Service: March 2nd, 7pm at Wesley. Joint with First Presbyterian. No WOW. 
  • Wesley Scholarship applications are now available on the table in front of the office. Completed applications are due April 1.