Wesley Word – April 13, 2022
To go along with service on: Sunday, April 17th
Experiencing Grace
- Contemporary Song: Rattle!
- Traditional Hymn: #302 Christ the Lord is Risen Today
Exploring Truth
Easter Sunday
Have You Seen Him?
John 20:1-18
As I write this, and as you probably read it, it is still Holy Week, but Easter is coming! I hope you will join us on Holy Thursday and Good Friday as we remember those events that make Holy Week, well, holy.
During the seven weeks of Easter, I would not say I am preaching a series, but almost all of my sermons will be asking questions about how we experience the risen Christ and how we live out that experience.
This Sunday’s sermon takes up the resurrection story from the Gospel of John and focuses on seeing. Mary Magdalene is headed out early on Sunday morning following the crucifixion to finish the preparation of Jesus’ body. When she arrives, however, she sees that the stone is rolled away and she runs to tell the others. Peter and John come running to the tomb. (John makes sure to tell us in his gospel that he ran faster than Peter.) When they get there, they see the burial cloths.
The disciples went back to town but Mary stayed at the tomb where she saw angels and, eventually, Jesus himself, who she at first mistook as the gardener. When she saw him, she ran back to tell the others, “I have seen the Lord.”
It is my hope that you will “see” the risen Christ in a new way this Easter and that, having seen him, you will go and tell others that he is risen!
New Testament in a Year: https://wesleyonline.org/biblereading/
- April 13 Luke 16:1-18
- April 14 Luke 16:19-17:10
- April 15 Luke 17:11-37
- April 16 Luke 18:1-17
- April 17 Luke 18:18-43
- April 18 Luke 19:1-27
- April 19 Luke 19:28-48
- April 20 Luke 20:1-26
Expressing Love: Family/Mission Activity
Resurrection Rolls– this is a throwback to the family videos created during our COVID shutdown. These rolls are delicious and share a great message! Just click on the link in the title and enjoy!
- Maundy Thursday Service, April 14, 7:00pm
- Good Friday Service, April 15, 7:00pm
- Easter Morning Breakfast, April 17, 8:00-10:00 am in Fellowship Hall: Casseroles, fruit, pastries, coffee, and juice provided. If you would like to contribute food for the breakfast, we need additional breakfast casseroles and sweets. (muffins, doughnuts, breads, etc.) Hosted by Hospitality and Outreach Ministry. If you would like to help with food, please contact Judy Lokenvitz.