Wesley Word – June 1, 2022

Carolyn Lemaster   -  

To go along with service on: Sunday, June 5th 

Experiencing Grace

Exploring Truth

This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, the day we celebrate the arrival of the Holy Spirit. Dan Laaveg, our Director of Music will be preaching at our services because Pastor Brian will be at Annual Conference.

Put on something red for Pentecost and join us for worship. Also, please keep our Annual Conference session in your prayers.

New Testament in a Year: https://wesleyonline.org/biblereading/

  • June 1    John 20:1-31
  • June 2    John 21:1-25
  • June 3    Acts 1:1-26
  • June 4    Acts 2:1-47
  • June 5    Acts 3:1-26
  • June 6    Acts 4:1-37
  • June 7    Acts 5:1-42
  • June 8    Acts 6:1-15

Expressing Love: Family/Mission Activity

Brainstorm places your family has been. It might be a place you went on vacation, a restaurant you like to eat at, or a loved ones’ home. When you have compiled all your ideas, choose one, as a family. Once you have chosen the place, have everyone talk about that place. What do they see? What do they hear? What do they smell? Do they taste anything? What do they feel (physically or emotionally)?

As a family, read about the day of Pentecost from Acts 2:1-21. When the reading is complete, ask your family to imagine what they would see (fire over people’s heads, many people, etc.), hear (rushing wind, many languages, etc.), smell (smoke?), feel (amazement, holy spirit, wonder, etc.), taste (if anything)?

On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came upon the people that were present. They could feel his power. The Holy Spirit gave the people the power to teach others about Jesus. The Holy Spirit is with us today. We may not see flames over everyone’s heads, but he is still present to help us spread the Good News to others.


  • Jam Session, Sunday, June 5, 3 pm- Praise band participants from years gone by will come back to play old favorites one last time before Chris and Sonia depart. This will be VERY informal and not practiced. It’s simply a time to praise God and bring everyone back together. Anyone is welcome to come watch and sing along if they’d like (you might want to bring a device to search for lyrics, as we will not have lyrics on the screen).
  • Jackson Concert: Tom Trenney Hymnfest with Organ & Choir – Thursday, June 16 @ 7:30pm
  • VBS, July 11-14, register here.
  • Music Camp, July 18-22, register here.