Wesley Word – August 10, 2022

Carolyn Lemaster   -  

To go along with service on: Sunday, August 14th

Experiencing Grace

Exploring Truth

Colossians 3:1-17

Colossians: In Christ Alone – Clothed In Christ

We are continuing with our series in Colossians called, “In Christ Alone.”
If you have grown tired of the discussion of heresy, you are in luck. In chapter 3, Paul takes up a discussion of what it means to lead a Christian life.

Paul is laboring to describe the change that takes place in our lives when we are in Christ. It is a change in desire and focus. It is like dying to our old way of life and rising again in a new life.

However, the chief metaphor Paul uses is that of changing clothes. We are to take off our sinful lives and put on a new life in Christ. We are to take off: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, greed, anger, rage, malice, slander, filthy language, and lying.

We are to put on: compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, and above all, love.

Our clothes give identity, like a uniform, and often influence our behavior. Let us be clothed in Christ.


New Testament in a Year: https://wesleyonline.org/biblereading/

  • August 10    1 Corinthians 6:1-20
  • August 11    1 Corinthians 7:1-24
  • August 12    1 Corinthians 7:25-40
  • August 13    1 Corinthians 8:1-13
  • August 14    1 Corinthians 9:1-18
  • August 15    1 Corinthians 9:19-10:13
  • August 16    1 Corinthians 10:14-33
  • August 17    1 Corinthians 11:1-16

Expressing Love: Family/Mission Activity

One of the very first decisions that you and I have to make every day is the decision about what we are going to wear. The clothing that we wear is very important to most of us. Most of us want our clothes to be a style that is popular. To some people, even the brand is important. We want our clothes to be in good condition — with no holes or missing buttons and, of course, we want them to be clean. The clothing that we wear says a lot about us. Sometimes I see little girls wearing T-shirts that say, “Princess” or “2 Cute.” No boy would ever be caught wearing one of those! Boys go more for football jerseys, Spiderman T-shirts, or something like that. Sometimes you need just the right hat or a cap to complete your outfit.

As you are choosing what you are going to wear each morning, do you ever give a thought to what the Bible says about how we should clothe ourselves? Well, the Bible doesn’t tell us which shirt or pants to wear, but it does have something to say about how we, as God’s children, should clothe ourselves. The Bible says that we should clothe ourselves with kindness, gentleness, and patience. It says we should put on a forgiving attitude. Finally, the Bible says, we should top it all off by putting on love. That brings it all together in perfect unity. The great thing about this outfit that the Bible describes is that it fits us all — boys or girls — young or old. Do you know what else is great about it? It never goes out of style!

The next time you are trying to decide what to wear, why not put on a little kindness, gentleness, and patience? Add some forgiveness, then, top it off with love.

Find an old shirt with a stain, hole or tear in it and hold it up next to a new shirt (newer shirt), use this as a visual reminder of putting on Christ’s love!



  • Handbell Choir and Chancel Choir begin Wednesday, August 24. New Members are welcome! Contact Dan Laaveg, 563-263-1596.
  • Join the Celebration Band – If you can play an instrument or are interested in singing with the Celebration Band, please see Joe Barton after the service or call/text 563-506-5909.
  • Fall Kick-Off Sunday is August 28. One worship service at 10:00 am followed by a kick-off party at the Wesley Family Life Center.  We will have a cookout meal, games, and a jump house!
  • Pen Pal Program – We are starting a pen pal program (yes, old-school writing letters) with our sister church in Nairobi, Kenya. Please contact Jessica at jessicahall@wesleyonline.org for more information. We are looking to September to start sending letters.