Wesley Word – November 16, 2022
To go along with service on: Sunday, November 20, 2022
Experiencing Grace
- Contemporary Song: King of Kings
- Traditional Hymn: #694 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
Exploring Truth
We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to a very special worship service and celebration this Sunday, November 20th. We will have a combined/blended worship service at 10:00 am with a special guest speaker. Following the service, there will be a Thanksgiving meal at the Family Life Center. Please bring table service and a salad or dessert to share. All other food and beverages will be provided.
Also, we will be hosting a Community Thanksgiving Service with several other churches on Wednesday, November 23rd at 6:00 pm with pie following. If you would like to provide a pie, please contact Nancy Wall or Mary Whitacre.
Sunday, November 27th begins the Season of Advent. Please keep up to date with the Wesley Word, the bulletin, and the newsletter, for all of our Advent and Christmas events.
New Testament in a Year: https://wesleyonline.org/biblereading/
- November 16 Hebrews 13:1-25
- November 17 James 1:1-18
- November 18 James 1:19-2: 17
- November 19 James 2:18-3: 18
- November 20 James 4:1-17
- November 21 James 5:1-20
- November 22 1 Peter 1:1-12
- November 23 1 Peter 1:13-2:10
Expressing Love: Family/Mission Activity
Who doesn’t love a good family board game? In our house, we play at least one game a week, more often once sports slow down and it’s cold outside.
We have a board game called snakes and ladders. Many of you will know it as chutes and ladders. One player rolls the dice and moves that many spaces on the board, a good roll of the die will bring you to a ladder and you climb the ladder, a bad roll of the die lands you on a square with a snake (chute) and you slide back down to where you were before.
Much like one’s journey with God, one square on the board can represent one day, week or many years until with God’s grace you can move up the ladder on your faith journey. One sin (bad roll of the die) can land you on a snake and you will slide backwards in your faith journey.
Every individual’s faith journey is not a game, so please do not think that. Our faith is real and it is tangible with the grace we receive and show.
- WOW (Wesley on Wednesdays) 6:00 pm. Refreshments, devotions, adult classes, and programming for youth and children. Tonight, November 16, is the last WOW until January.
- Thanksgiving Service and Meal this Sunday – Combined service at 10:00 am with meal to follow at the Family Life Center.
- Church World Service Blanket Offering is this Sunday.
- Community Thanksgiving Service at Wesley – Wednesday, November 23, 6:00 pm.
- Sunday School Christmas Program—Sunday, December 4 at 10:00 am.
- Kids Christmas Shoppe – December 10, 9:00 am-Noon at the Wesley Family Life Center. Contact Mary Anne Alberhasky, 319-461-6609.
- All-Church Caroling December 18– Sign-up starts Sunday and continues November 27, December 4, and the deadline is December 11. We’ll meet at the Family Life Center (FLC) at 2:45 pm on December 18, go caroling from 3:00-4:30, and return to the FLC for treats and fellowship until 5:30 pm. If inclement weather is predicted, the caroling would be cancelled by 5:00 pm on Friday, December 16.
- Wesley’s annual Festival of Lessons & Carols – Sunday, December 11, at 2:30 pm. All are encouraged to come!
- Mississippi Valley Child Protection Center is accepting donations for take home bags for children served at the center. For more information, contact Jessica Hall, 563-263-1596.