Wesley Word – April 12, 2023
To go along with service on Sunday, April 16, 2023
Experiencing Grace
- Contemporary Song: This Is Our God
- Traditional Hymn: #420 Breathe on Me, Breath of God
Exploring Truth – So That We May Believe
John 20:19-31
Today’s reading is the story that we sometimes call the story of “Doubting Thomas.” The story begins on the evening of Easter Sunday with the disciples, except for Thomas, in the upper room. Jesus appears to them, and they believe in the resurrection. When they tell Thomas what they had seen, Thomas does not believe them. He has to see it for himself.
The next Sunday, the disciples are again in the upper room. This time, Thomas is with them. Notice that the other disciples did not exclude Thomas because of his questions and that Thomas continued to hang out with them. Jesus appears again and even invites Thomas to touch his wounds. Thomas believes and says to Jesus, “My Lord and my God.”
Often we take the application of this story to be, “Don’t be like Doubting Thomas. Don’t have doubts or questions, just believe in Jesus.” However, I do not think that is the takeaway here at all. To be fair, Thomas only wanted the same experience the other disciples had.
Jesus knows that we all have doubts and questions. Jesus knows what we need in order to believe in Him, and He will give it to us if we are open and if we continue to seek Him. If we look at the last couple of verses in this passage, we see that John says the reason he wrote his gospel was so that we would believe. God is working on all of us so that we will believe.
New Testament in a Year: https://wesleyonline.org/biblereading/
- April 12: Luke 15:1-32
- April 13: Luke 16:1-18
- April 14: Luke 16:19-17:10
- April 15: Luke 17:11-37
- April 16: Luke 18:1-17
- April 17: Luke 18:18-43
- April 18: Luke 19:1-27
- April 19: Luke 19:28-48
Expressing Love: Family/Mission Activity
Catch phrases, may we know them, may we love them. “Doubting Thomas” is a common phrase used by Christians and non-Christians alike. Long before I knew the scripture, I knew what “Doubting Thomas” was. Last night at my home a phrase was used, “He’s got more stuffed dogs than Carter’s got pills.” I know the phrase, I use the phrase (to the disdain of my children at times) and others, but ultimately where did the phrase come from?
(blank) then Carter’s got pills– Carter’s Little Liver Pills (Carter’s Little Pills after 1959) were formulated as a patent medicine by Samuel J. Carter of Erie, Pennsylvania, in 1868. The active ingredient was changed when the product was renamed in 1959, to be the laxative bisacodyl. Carter’s trademark was a black crow. By 1880 the business was incorporated as Carter Products. The pills were touted to cure headache, constipation, dyspepsia, and biliousness. (I can tell you they do not cure a headache!) Carter’s Little Liver Pills were well-known because of its advertising. The advertising was so widespread that it seemed Carter had an endless supply of pills—which is why the saying originated as “more than Carter has little liver pills.” Carter’s Products of New York advertised the pills throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The pills were marketed in newspapers and on cards as a potential cure-all. Carter claimed the pills would ease various ailments, including headaches, digestive issues, and so-called torpid liver. They were widespread in American households and also found internationally.
Carter’s Little Liver Pills was a medicine billed as something to aid bile flow in the liver. However, nearly a century later, they were proven to have nothing to do with the liver at all. The Federal Trade Commission made the company remove “liver” from its name.
Please note, the crow referenced above was for advertising purposes, not eating crow.
Thus, now we know the real origin of saying either we use or have heard used before. Much like “Doubting Thomas” you really did have to see it to believe it. I wonder how Thomas would feel knowing that his name has been synonymous with people who doubt since the upper room? How long do you think it took for “Doubting Thomas” to spread?
- WOW (Wesley on Wednesdays) 6:00 pm.
- Pickle Ball! Come on Tuesday 11:00-12:30 on April 18th in the Wesley Family Life Center. We will practice and play a game. Call Mary, 563-299-7050, if interested.
- CAT Survey Town Hall – There will be a Town Hall meeting on Sunday, April 30th in Fellowship Hall to discuss the results of the CAT Survey. All are welcome. A brief written summary of the results is available at the church.
- The Riverbend Bronze Handbell Ensemble—Saturday, April 29, at 2pm, will present a FREE concert with a free-will offering. Our Wesley Handbell Choir will join them for one piece and also play one solo piece. Riverbend Bronze is a premiere handbell ensemble that is based in the Quad Cities. The approximately 20-member ensemble last played at Wesley in 2017.
- Muscatine Youth, Children’s, & Littlest Angels’ Choirs’ Spring Concert – Sunday, May 7, at 4pm at Wesley. All are invited to this free concert! The choirs are working hard and are excited to present their songs to the community. These volunteer community choirs are open to Muscatine area singers in kindergarten-12th grade.